Monthly Archives: March 2015

New activity in 2015

It is time for an update on the activity. We are expanding, with more students, and also nice results. Edvin Tang Gundersen and Fredrik G. Johannesen are masterstudents from the nanotechnology program. Edvin now works on liposomal formulations for anti-AML therapy, and tries to make siRNA-carrying liposomes. Fredrik analyses brains from mice injected with tyrosin-hydroxylase-carrying nanoparticles. Sarah (pharmacy student) is busy completing the final experiments so she can spend the last months on writing her thesis. Also, Benedicte Sjo Tislevoll from prof. Gjertsen’s group is encapsulating potential anti-AML drugs to prevent severe effects on the central nervous system. On top of that, Drs. Gillian Barratt, Juliette Vergnaud, PhD student Felix Sauvage and myself are writing a review-article on nanoformulations for AML therapy, to be published in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Things are definetely getting interesting…

Edvin’s liposomes, seen through the transmission electron microscope.